Agatha Christie a review

Devyani Kaulas
3 min readDec 23, 2023


“Queen of Crime” indeed she is!

You can randomly buy an Agatha Christie novel and can be certain of a journey of thrill and mystery. In my case, I picked up, The Mystery of Blue Train”. When I started reading it, I barely noticed the time, I didn’t notice the sunset and sunrise. All I saw, was the mysterious world created by Agatha, on French Riviera. The next day, I had a strong urge, to visit Agatha’s world again. I headed to the bookstore, and hurriedly, picked up a book, with the name Agatha Christie, written on it. This time it was Murder in Mesopotamia”.

Before, I share my thoughts on these two titles, I want to underscore the importance of reading in our fleeting world.

Why is it important to read?

We are often discouraged from reading, sometimes by others, sometimes by the atmosphere, and sometimes by ourselves. Let's deal, with discouragement, propounded by “others”. People say, “ I don’t read non-fiction, as it is unproductive”. Please! Don’t get influenced, by these phrases. Fiction is the foundation of reading. It enhances your vocabulary way better than word of the day or cramming a dictionary. It improves your speaking and understanding skills.

Discouragement through the atmosphere: I understand, we live in a world, where we might have everything, but, we won’t have time. One is always busy, from dusk till dawn. One doesn’t even have, time to sleep. How in a busy schedule, can one ever get time for reading? Well, you can have that time. You can read books with short stories, and essays.

Discouragement from self: “ Why do I read a book? What will I get from it?”. It is not a skill, which will let you swim through recession waters. But it's more important than that. It is a sedative. Reading, a book, soothes you. It provides, an escapism from this world. It takes you and gives you the vision, of the character’s viewpoint. It is as deep as watching, a great movie in a cinema. That time, which you will devote to reading, will give you introspection, and deep contemplation, even if surroundings only have noise.

Why Agatha Christie?

Well, many movies, in various languages come all year long to entertain you. But what if, they are not clicking with you? Then you can bank upon your trusted artist, director, or writer. That is Agatha Christie for you.

My Review of The Mystery of Blue Train:

Disclaimer: I will not give any spoilers. The book is set in London and French Riviera. The writing of Agatha keeps you engrossed in every single page. Also, with diligence, you can take a hint from Poirot and guess the culprit. The prominence of this book is, that it sheds light on the complications of relationships and the institution of marriage as well. Also, in the end, you might feel bad that this luxurious blue train, Le Train Bleu, had been decommissioned. I would recommend, reading the book, in one go, without breaks. Christie’s powerful writing can create the deep state, required to enjoy the book.

My Review of Murder in Mesopotamia:

This is a quintessential Agatha Christie. This book will take you to Hassanieh. To the excavation sites and archaeological expeditions of the 1930s. The prominence of this book is, that it focuses, a lot on psychology. In this book, Poirot builds interpretations of personalities. This book spins the perception of every character, the reader forms. You feel so, confident that, you know this character, and then Christie shatters your confidence. You don’t have to put any effort into staying hooked on this book. It will happen naturally.

Paper back of Christi’s book

That's classical Christie.

At last, if you were, an avid reader in the past, or you aspire to start reading, then don’t wait for it. Pick up a book, that your friend is petulantly persuading you to read or either borrow from a library. Just go for it!

